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Twin Flame

Updated: Dec 17, 2021

In spiritual world is going around this terminology ''Twin Flame''. This is mean the best partner that you can share your life, the other half of your soul.

From my own experience I have lived a whole year with this belief that I thought I have find my twin flame. The true is that the attraction and the feelings that are born when mind realise the connection is CRAZY....

Is so powerful that even the intimal astral connection is possible and this can so easy, for mind, to get out of understanding what really is going on.

Is given to me to have this experience for one year ago when I was in the middle of taking the decision to divorce. I have felt, realise that I am strong connected to another man that it was in my friends circle for some time but never looked at him from this perspective. This have create in me more will power to take action in my divorce. Thinking that I have find the other half helped me to let go of the past.

This connection is beautiful to feel but also very painful. Because is arising inside the feelings of unconditional love and so much ecstasy that is impossible to put it into words.

I will like to call this ''way shower''.

Way shower appear in our life to teach us, to show us the wounds that we have and that we need to heal before something more beautiful to show up. To trigger to a point where we really thing we get crazy, when we don't know what is true anymore and to face the fears that are hiding in ourselves.

In my own experience this have teach me how to be independent and to let go of the attachment towards relations. To find the power in myself to take life in my own hands and to take decisions that are life changing. And also have help me too look into the self healing of my soul. To face the abandon issue and to learn that I AM ENOUGH.

Recently I have get another piece of puzzle that have changed completely the picture that my mind have created for so long time, for one whole year I have believed I find the man of my life. Now I am smilling and laughing alone to realise all this concepts and perceptions that we have in the collective conscious. And most important to be aware of my mind that is running from one corner to another to find an explanation and to find another person to get attached off. Our mind likes to put labels over everything what we are experiencing in this life. Our mind love to create stories and to live everyday to fulfil that story. Our mind is so afraid to live everyday by not knowing what will happen next.

So from this awareness I realise again that this terminology of ''Twin Flame'' is just another label that we put over the connection that we are experiencing. In the end of the day WE ALL ARE ONE.

And now if we talk about soulmates another conceptions and labels of what is this and how we are experiencing it.

Now I learn to really see my mind's games and to see what it wants to do next, because I have somehow shake its stories that had been created and now mind is in panic attack of running after labels and to get attached on something else. This awareness is gold, and having so much fun with it.

Between laughing and being grateful to my mind I integrate all this new information that I received and learn to let ALL GO and to SURRENDER TO DIVINE to walk a path without knowing where will take me. Staying aware of my mind stories and to immediately catch myself into this ''mind games''.

Exist the ONE that can make us happy and accept every piece of ourselves, to love all the faces that we are in everyday and to not step back when the hurricane show up?

I don't know if THE ONE exists but what I know, from my experience, is that there are existing MANY ''THE ONE'' which is open to accept us the way we are and to respect that and how we are. Is everything about accepting ourselves the way we are and recognise for ourselves who we are, love ourselves and surrender to our own path without thinking that someone from the outside can bring the joy in our life. Is about ''loving'' on ourself, looking into our own shadow, having no fears to look in there's faces and to recognise that we are not perfect but we do the best every single day to evolve into the best version of ourselves.

With this said I just want you to enjoy the moment that you are sharing with no matter who. And to respect yourself in that connection to see the worth that you are and to feel the beauty inside of you. If you find that partener that makes you feel beautiful and that show you how worthy you are and how lovely and kind you are, then make that relation to grow and learn together more about what is really mean to be in a relation.

We are all DIVINE and we all carry the love in our hearts what is we don't understand is that the mind interfering and love to break things.

Much love

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