We can not comprehend how love can save us, our soul, our life and how it can guide us to get out from our own darkness. Many laugh at the phrase '' Love is all what we need'' because they don't understand the real principles of love, what is really love and how it can save us. Many think money will save and will help us to have an easy life. Money is a necessary in this reality to make the exchange, but is not what is helping us to have an easy life.
Many rich people have end their own life because no matter how many things they have, inside themselves they never find that peace and what soul needed. And we from the outside we thinking why they did it, they had all what a human need here on earth.
They don't had what their soul wanted.
Love have saved me. And I will always talk from my own experience because I believe, you can find yourself in this or your soul can remember.
I will start with, to say that we can love someone without being there physical by their side
, without having a relation and without communicating. Love is a feeling, a unconditional soul connection. Our human mind thinks that we can love someone only being there physical together but LOVE is not working this way.
Love is like hope in our life, like a bridge that show us the way to a higher way of living this life.
When my life started to crumble apart and the old paradigm to fall, I was thinking I live a horror movie. In that moment everything was preparing me for a higher purpose and a better life to explore and live.
Only walking this path you can understand what I am talking about. Nothing makes sense because everything what you can follow is the inner guidance that is screaming and talk to you what is the best, even though the ego mind on the other side is screaming in fear and try to stop you from walking that path of truth. Your truth.
In that moment in the beginning of this illusion destruction, I felt/ knew/ saw the Universe guidance and sign that was told me clearly who was the one that it is my soul but in another body, the polarity of my being. Even we knew each other for long time the door of awareness was not open before because it was not the time.
Walking through the '' dark night of the soul'' and trying to understand my own actions and what I was feeling, while the other side I was in a bless on feeling unconditional love from that person soul. Is like staying with one leg into the cold water and the other in hot water. Felling both at the same time and my mind was all over the place. Again if that was calling being crazy then I know how that is fells like. Not knowing who I was and where my path will take me.
What I want to say with that is that in that moment of darkness and pain, crumble of the illusionary life that I thought I want for myself, the only thing that was keep me alive was THAT LOVE. I felt it in my heart so strong that a times I was afraid of this powerful love.
Now after so many months I realise that LOVE save me to get over that moments.
Also that love motivated me to walk alone on a path that is was not ''me'' others will say.
I start to change myself, to look inside myself, to see the shadows and to not be afraid of who I was and what I have did in this life. To embrace the truth of who I AM and to understand, LOVE is all that is exists and only LOVE will help us to walk smooth in this life, that only love with make me to understand and to have compassion for others, to forgive and to know that people change themselves even they have break my heart in the past. All that is a process of my journey.
This LOVE is not a nice story from a book, is the truth of the Universe. The truth of who we are as a human species.
Love is saving our soul, is helping to move forward in life and to not stay stuck in this drama of life, the emotional pain and the fears of just be who we are, naked emotionally, that we were meant to be. Only being naked emotionally we know with who we talk and who is the other person in front of us, until there, will always be a game, a joke of masks and hiding mouses.
Love is teaching us LIFE and only walking the path of love you will undersand the meaning of life.
If one day YOU read this, (my soul in the other body) I want to say thank you for the triggers that you wake up inside of myself, for the light that you was in my darkest times of this life and for all the experiences and the rejections that you teach me. I want to thank you for the pain that your actions case in my heart and for all that you did unconscious because ALL THAT has take me to a place of LOVING MYSELF AND OF FEELING IN PEACE WITH MYSELF AND WITH THE WORLD. Even the world is separating us physically, there down in our hearts will always be LOVE.